Let's Dig In: What Do You Want Modern Farmer to Investigate? - Modern Farmer

Let’s Dig In: What Do You Want Modern Farmer to Investigate?

Though your grocery list may look straightforward, the global food system is complex. The Modern Farmer team is here to turn your questions about the food on your plate into reporting that helps you understand where your food comes from. 

Photography by Shutterstock.

Did you know that that piece of salmon you’re eating probably came from Norway—or Chile? Are avocados going the way of the dodo? How come most “wasabi” isn’t actually wasabi?

Though your grocery list may look straightforward, the global food system is complex. The Modern Farmer team is here to turn your questions about the food on your plate into reporting that helps you—and your fellow eaters—understand where your food comes from. 

Along the way, we’ll meet the people who actually plant, fertilize, harvest, raise, slaughter, brew, ferment, pack and process the ingredients that go into your meals, and dig into stories that get the people who eat (aka everyone) a little bit closer to the people who produce. 

Take a look in your fridge, pantry and shopping cart. Do you really know what goes into getting that food from … wherever it comes from … to you?

We envision turning this into a series, but we need your help to get started. Don’t be shy: Add a question or suggest a topic you’d like Modern Farmer to investigate using this form. We’ll get in touch if we look into your question.

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Gregory Lee White
8 months ago

As Mexico continues to express concerns about GMO products. I think a frank discussion about the politics and science of GMO products is over due. It may step on toes in the Ag community, but the issue and affected stakeholders deserve a birds eye->deep dive view into the issues. Follow the money and as with any proper investigation, be honest with where the outcome lands. I personally am not willing to accept short term monetary gains at the health expense of our children’s futures. I see a lot of similar tactics from the glyphosate industry to the tobacco industry defending… Read more »

Bradley Aiken
8 months ago

Does anyone realize we’re headed toward plastic armageddon? My weekly visits to the local farmers’ markets still find an overabundance and reliance on plastic pint containers of berries, single-use plastic bags, and straws! I thought we were done with straws, really? New Seasons and Whole Foods are single-use plastic nightmares. Try to buy grape tomatoes at any supermarket and they’re all sealed in plastic! NatureSweet just became a B Corporation (concern for environmental issues is requisite) and yet they use a #5 plastic (trash plastic) worst when it’s color injected. And guess what? Theirs is. So, more environmental coverage. Issues… Read more »

Elisabeth Moise
7 months ago

I live on a fairly tight budget which makes it harder to make the ‘healthier’ or ‘better’ choices. My question is fish: When I buy Tilapia, I really don’t know where it it coming from, or if there are hormones and other stuff used to farm the fish (I’m pretty sure it’s farmed at $5.99/pound). How safe or free of chemicals are farmed fish like tilapia?

Elisabeth Moise
7 months ago

Thank you for this newsletter Modern Farmer!
