Lena Beck, Author at Modern Farmer - Page 3 of 5
The Haunting of the Farm

When two young members of a farming community in North Carolina fell in love, there... (more)

Lena Beck
October 30, 2023
Stopping Aquaculture Rope Pollution at the Source

When John Shaw took over as executive director of the Westport Maritime Museum in 2014,... (more)

Lena Beck
October 24, 2023
The Art of Resurrecting Heirloom Watermelons

It was hot in Louisiana, and after 15 hours in the car to get there... (more)

Lena Beck
October 18, 2023
When Labels Lie

SweetRoot Farm is pitched squarely in the middle of a long and narrow mountain valley,... (more)

Lena Beck
October 11, 2023
What’s in a Name? Food Labels, Explained

Do you know what “cage-free” means? How about “free range”? “Pasture-raised”?  Some of the terms... (more)

Lena Beck
October 9, 2023
In the Shopping Cart

Food fraud is the act of misrepresenting or adulterating a food product, usually for financial... (more)

Lena Beck
October 8, 2023
Staying ‘Fiber Curious’ in an Age of Fast Fashion

Look inside your closet—do you know where your clothes come from? Could you identify what... (more)

Lena Beck
October 4, 2023
The Farm Bill Expired. What Happens Now?

Remind me—what is the farm bill again? The US Farm Bill is a package of... (more)

Lena Beck
October 2, 2023
Harvesting Shellfish? Get the App

Jeff Harrison has been a waterman for just shy of five decades. Based in Maryland,... (more)

Lena Beck
September 28, 2023