Comments on: California’s Artisanal Cannabis Farms Were Supposed to Help Build The Legal Market. Then the Bottom Dropped Out Farm. Food. Life. Tue, 30 Jan 2024 01:41:14 +0000 hourly 1 By: Johnny Hempseed Tue, 30 Jan 2024 01:41:14 +0000 In reply to Ashley Thomas.

Work for peanuts and weed. If you can handle the monotony of grooming for hours with cramped hands. Searching for Hermaphrodites in the heat with no shade. And basic farming just pick the region you want to work in .I suggest though Mass. ,Conn ,NY ,the eastern and mid-west legal states may be better than the western states with product gluts. Better yet smuggle western weed east and resell it .Just sayin’ as a former grower your better off being self employed .Get some seeds ,clones, and go for it .Be care-full the states don’t like losing their tax revenue. I would specialize in gourmet edibles for someone with retail licenses. Good luck Ashley

By: Joseph Sun, 28 Jan 2024 05:09:02 +0000 In reply to Ashley Thomas.

Ashley, Take what you know and go to offer help. Ukiah, Willits, or any other small Nor California town.
I grew up in that area and left at 19 leaving close friends behind. There are many still growing and in need of help. Figure a year to get to know an area…Ukiah or North. Go. Life is happening…Life as you know is action. If it is your passion to assist grows it will be apparent I wish you the best.

By: Ashley Thomas Thu, 04 Jan 2024 17:36:07 +0000 In reply to Rick.

Because it’s just weed you take a bigger chance of buying Lettuce at the grocery store and get in Salem Manila because of wcorporation farms they put the farm animals close to the water supply that they used to water their plants and something and minuter gets all over so yeah you got a worse chance to that than you do by an a joint so I wouldn’t worry about it buddy

By: Ashley Thomas Thu, 04 Jan 2024 17:32:43 +0000 So how could I get a job at a weed farm I enjoy doing it so I might as well try to find a job doing it and I will relocate for the job

By: Ashley Thomas Thu, 04 Jan 2024 17:31:02 +0000 In reply to John.

Hey man whoever’s wants to take this how does 1 get a job at a weed farm I love growing them they relax me by just taking care of them and seeing how much better I can do the next time but its hard because it’s always good

By: Fri, 23 Jun 2023 07:36:33 +0000 In reply to Linda Hawthorne.


By: Jake Rake Wed, 07 Jun 2023 22:44:50 +0000 In reply to Rick.

What you don’t understand are the regs, fees and taxes that take 95% of the profits of legal growers. No farmer of anything would stand for these things.

By: Victoria Tue, 06 Jun 2023 03:56:14 +0000 In reply to Loren Luyendyk.

You can grow it. Everyone in California can grow their own. Another reason the bottom has dropped out of the market.

By: Victoria Tue, 06 Jun 2023 03:48:18 +0000 In reply to Carl Boone.

Weed isn’t a stationary object. Its a psychoactive drug whose production wreaked havoc on communities, nature and the environment for decades. Now that the “Medical Marijuana” scam has been regulated, why wouldn’t there be quality control? Then it went full recreational. No one brews alcohol without government interference, no food industry has a free rein to use what ever chemicals or bio hazards they feel like. Yes, there are public safety issues and now we should crack down on the cartels and slobs that are leaving their filthy mess in the national forests. Yes, the murder mountains were and still are an issue, so are the corrupt politicians and the laughable weed bureaucrats trying to keep a handle on growers and sellers while trying to eliminate the thieves and violent offenders. So there was a lot of damage done not only to the environment but the people and animals living on it, And as far as a gateway drug, alcohol is the first stop on the addiction train, People want to alter their consciousness and they can do that through their liquor store, the drug store, a dispensary or on a street corner. They rob and violate anyone in their path to get whatever their drug of choice is. Even if it comes from a low life Dr. who sells them a prescription. If anyone wants to be an addict, whether booze, weed, prescription pills or other street drugs, they are going to do it. So while I don’t buy into the gateway concept, I do know the damage that weed growing and smoking has done to people.

By: Loren Luyendyk Sun, 04 Jun 2023 17:32:30 +0000 I voted for Prop 64 so that I could legally grow my own and NOT buy it from a dispensary or on the black market. It was pretty obvious that certain politicians (Lagomarsino) had a vested interest in cannabis when he renegged on the 5 acre cap because he had investment in corporate grow ops. They said they were going to “protect the mom and pops” just to get the prop to pass, then as soon as it did they removed the 5 acre cap. Now its a classic boom and bust cycle that only the hardiest old school growers and the deep pockets will survive. They are waiting for federal legalization which will open up national and international markets.
